Win Cady
About Win

Win is a multi-unit owner of a franchised hair salon business in the Mountain West.
During the pandemic, while applying for a much-needed bank loan, he discovered the storyteller within himself. He crafted a story-based presentation to make all the boring numbers pop on the loan application. His partners loved it. The loan officer and the underwriters did too, and they granted the loan.
He created the Paradise series with Santana Cruz as the heroine from a lifetime of experiences and a vivid imagination. He set the story world in a dystopian near future with America suffering from a takeover of a Marxist socialist regime. Santana and her group of freedom fighters confront this tyranny in a struggle for liberty. It’s the second American Revolution.
Win lives with his wife Paula along the Front Range of Colorado. They enjoy spending time with their two adult kids and growing families. After 40 years of distance running, Win re-discovered the bicycle. You’ll find him out on the hundreds of miles of bike paths, gravel trails and back roads of Colorado, far away from the insanity of all those crazy drivers.